The University of Pennsylvania has received the Jesse L. Moore Supplier 2022 Diversity Award from INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine, the oldest print diversity and inclusion publication in higher education.
The award honors colleges and universities that take proactive steps to support and engage with minority-owned businesses through supplier diversity offices, unique programs, and leading initiatives. Penn was recognized for its work and impact around supplier diversity and inclusion. Led by Penn’s Procurement Services department, the University leverages its purchasing power to support the growth of diverse businesses and subsequently the Philadelphia economy.
Fueling Business Growth, Penn’s Supplier Diversity and Inclusion Program, incorporates a multi-faceted approach which includes expanding outreach with local and diverse businesses; deepening relationships with a range of suppliers; increasing businesses opportunities; addressing financial barriers facing diverse suppliers; and providing enhanced tools and resources to the Penn buying community—all directed at generating economic activity.
A full list of award recipients will be published in the April issue of INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine.